Students And Teacher In A Level Mathematics Class At Abbey College Cambridge

A Level Mathematics & Further Mathematics

Mathematics models reality, describes discoveries and opens doors to the unknown.


Maths is an art which studies patterns and predicts reality. It involves both logical reasoning (drawing conclusions from assured premises, systemised knowledge) and strategic reasoning (based on accepted rules, laws, or probabilities).


Maths is highly regarded by both universities and employers. Studying Maths opens up a whole world of career possibilities. Engineering, Business and finance, computing, architecture and design, all these industries have Maths at their core.

“There is no denying that the technology we all rely on is packed full of a rich and complex cocktail of mathematics. The best mobile phones are made by the company with the best mathematicians. The fact that Google invariably finds what you are looking for is due to clever algorithms that exploit the abstract mathematics of matrices. The most efficient and elegant buildings, cars or aeroplanes depend on a keen understanding of geometry. (…) Whether climate change is happening or not is down to understanding the numbers and what they are going to do next. Evaluation of travel restrictions or vaccination programs in the light of a new pandemic like the H1N1 virus will depend on mathematically modelling the future spread of the disease.”

Prof. Marcus du Sautoy
Oxford University


Here at Abbey College Cambridge you will have:

  • a dedicated team of qualified and experienced staff
  • exposure to external and internal challenges
  • access to maths cubs and maths masterclasses
  • a range of Abbey Inspires evenings lectures and workshops to help you build on your existing knowledge
  • visits to inspirational lectures and team competitions
  • a steady and consistent track record of excellence

Mathematics models reality; describes discoveries and opens doors to the unknown.


Our A Level course follows the most recent Edexcel Mathematics Specifications. Students will study three core subject areas:

  • In Pure Mathematics you will develop your algebraic skills (including work on Vectors) and work on areas such as Coordinate Geometry, Numerical Methods, Trigonometry and Calculus.
  • In Applied Mathematics you will study both mechanics and statistics.
  • In mechanics you will discover how to model the position and movement of objects in the real world. You will answer questions such as; Will a stationary object slide or topple when pushed by a force? Will two objects collide? How much work does it take to move an object? Will it fall? Will it return?
  • In statistics you will discover how to investigate a hypothesis, take a sample, process and interpret your findings from the data. You will use models of probability and decide whether they are applicable to real life situations. A Level statistics topics model research used in many career paths.

Further Mathematics

This course follows the Edexcel Specification. 

Mathematics and Further Mathematics are assessed via written papers taken at the end of the two year course.


Every year our Mathematics students participate in a wide range of extra-curricular challenges that include:

  • The United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) Senior and Intermediate Mathematics Challenges.
  • British Mathematical Olympiad
  • Mathematics Inspiration Day lectures in Cambridge (where inspiring Mathematicians from around the country share their knowledge with students).
  • Mathematics Masterclasses, where students have the opportunity to work on advanced problems.
  • Big Bang Fair, the UK’s largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and Maths (STEM) for young people.

Preparation for the Advanced Extension Award and STEP Papers

We encourage our most able Mathematics students to sit the Mathematics Advanced Extension Award (AEA) and Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP). We offer an extensive preparation programmes for students taking these examinations.


Apart from a degree in Mathematics which requires Further Maths, if you are thinking of studying physics related or engineering courses or medical courses at university, then you will be expected to do A Level Mathematics and sometimes Further Maths. For other disciplines such as Economics, Mathematics is a requirement for many and especially the top universities. So you may want to combine Maths with sciences, Economics or Business Studies. However, a number of Abbey College Cambridge students study Maths alongside Art subjects.



Cohort % A* %A*-A %A*-B
2022 77 38% 58% 77%
2021 77 56% 86% 92%
2020 83 65% 94% 100%
2019 85 54% 87% 100%
2018 89 45% 76% 91%

Further Maths

Cohort % A* %A*-A %A*-B
2022 34 44% 79% 88%
2021 35 51% 77% 100%
2020 47 43% 85% 100%
2019 31 45% 87% 100%
2018 60 27% 65% 82%

Recent university destinations of our Maths students are:

UCL to study Economics

Kings College London to study Maths with Management and finance

UCL to study Computer Science

University of Leeds to study Computer Science

London School of Economics to study Economics

University of Cambridge to study Natural Science

University of Oxford to study Engineering

Warwick University to study Maths and Statistics

Southampton University to study Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence

Imperial College London to study Electrical & Electronic Engineering with Management

Abbey Cambridge
Join us in September


Join Abbey College Cambridge in September 2024

Day and Boarding places available this September for students aged 13 – 21 years.

Join our Year 9, GCSE, A Level, International Foundation and Pre-Sessional Programmes.