Welcome from the Principal

I warmly invite you to visit us here in Cambridge to experience first-hand our inspiring community. It is a community which is energised by a love of learning; our students are our best ambassadors.

We provide a first-class British education in an international environment in the heart of Cambridge. We are renowned for academic excellence that stems from our students’ ambition and their academic discipline. Students are guided by high quality teaching, an engaging enrichment programme and empowering pastoral support.

Each student’s academic achievements are the consequence of their own personal journey: acquiring knowledge and skills in a diverse classroom environment where different perspectives are appreciated, where challenges are welcomed and feedback is valued as a means of self-improvement. A large number of students secure places at top universities but most importantly, all of our students make the best of their abilities and increase their chances of employability in today’s global world. When our students complete their journey at Abbey College Cambridge, they are ready. Ready to make the difference in the world, ready to engage with global issues meaningfully and ready to take on the challenges ahead of them with wisdom and resilience.

We teach our students that leadership is a social responsibility. We encourage every one of our students to see themselves as a potential leader and remind them that personal development and academic progress are precursors to effective leadership. Leadership matters to us.

When you visit us, your first impression will probably be of our suite of modern buildings, tucked away from the main road. However, what will resonate with you long after your visit is the atmosphere of energy, warmth and good humour which is created by our people. You will see that our students and staff have a very strong sense of belonging to the Abbey College community.
Our passionate staff comprises highly respected professionals who go an extra mile for every student in order to support them in achieving their aims. Partnership based on trust best describes the relationship between students and staff.

Every person is a valued member of our community and benefits from a nurturing, inspiring and safe environment. Our students are the best ambassadors for what we do and when you meet them, you will appreciate their inner confidence, passion for their subjects, intellectual spark, curiosity, kindness and love for the Abbey College community.

We are looking forward to welcoming new students and parents to our diverse, inclusive, studious and caring community.

Dr Elena Hesse, Principal

Please contact us to arrange a visit to experience Abbey College Cambridge for yourself.