Abbey College Cambridge Student Graduation Ceremony

Results & Destinations

Every year Abbey College Cambridge students achieve outstanding academic results and progress to join some of the world’s best universities.

In 2022, 60% of all A-Level examinations taken by Abbey College Cambridge students received A* or A grades, and 91% of Abbey Cambridge students achieved A*- C grades. These results enable our students to progress on to some of the UK and the world’s top universities. Every year more than two-thirds of our students join one of the prestigious Russell Group universities, and more than 300 Abbey College Cambridge students have joined an elite G5 university in recent years; Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, Imperial, and UCL.

The results of our International Foundation Programme students are no less impressive, with an overall score of 67% across all pathways in 2022. This means that many of our foundation students also join a Russell Group University, destinations for our foundation students this year have included Warwick, Durham, Manchester, Bristol, and King’s College London.

Our GCSE student cohort continues to grow each year, and in 2022 61% of all GCSE exams taken at Abbey College Cambridge were marked at grades 9-7 (A**-A). This is an incredible achievement by our youngest students, and one which creates a strong platform for success, both in their A-Levels studies and at university and beyond.

Abbey Cambridge
Join us in September


Join Abbey College Cambridge in September 2024

Day and Boarding places available this September for students aged 13 – 21 years.

Join our Year 9, GCSE, A Level, International Foundation and Pre-Sessional Programmes.