Kings College Chapel, University of Cambridge

Abbey College Cambridge Oxbridge Success

Abbey College Cambridge has a proud history of helping hundreds of students from around the world to progress on to study at top-ranked UK universities, including many elite ‘Oxbridge’ colleges.

Below you can find out more about the journeys of some of our recent Abbey College Cambridge graduates who have moved on to study at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, known collectively as ‘Oxbridge’.

Agustin: Reading Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge

Agustin from Uruguay

Abbey College Cambridge Oxbridge graduate Agustin

Reading Natural Sciences at St Catherine’s College, University of Cambridge.

A Level Results:
Chemistry: A*
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*

Uruguayan student Agustin joined Abbey College Cambridge in 2018 to study A Levels.

An exceptional Science and Mathematics student, Agustin soon distinguished himself in national and international academic challenges.

In 2019, during his second year studies, Agustin received the prestigious Roentgenuim Award in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge placing in the top 0.6% of more than 9,000 students who entered the competition that year. As a result, he was invited to participate in a residential summer camp based at St Catherine’s College and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge.

As a top performing A Level Chemistry student, Agustin was also invited to participate in the 2020 International Chemistry Olympiad as part of the British team. At the International Chemistry Olympiad Agustin achieved a gold award, placing him as the top performing student on the British team, and the 13th placed Chemistry student in the world for that year.

After spending a summer at St Catherine’s College as a result of his success in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge, Agustin applied to and received an offer to read Natural Sciences at the college. He began his undergraduate studies in Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge in the Autumn of 2021.

Agustin has always been keen to share his passion for Chemistry with fellow students, and we look forward to welcoming him back to Abbey College Cambridge to share his experience of studying at the University of Cambridge.

Read more:

Agustin is on top of the world after success in the International Chemistry Olympiad

Abbey College chemistry student selected to represent the UK

Top chemistry student Agustin experiences life at Cambridge!

Agustin’s Chemistry Challenge Success Makes it 3 Roentgeniums in Four Years for Abbey College Cambridge Students

Ingrid: Reading Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford

Abbey College Cambridge Oxbridge graduate Ingrid from China

Ingrid from China

Reading Experimental Psychology at Somerville College, University of Oxford.

A Level Results:
History A*
Mathematics A*
Psychology A

Ingrid is from Shanghai in China and joined Abbey College Cambridge to study A Levels in 2018.

A talented and mature student who impressed her tutors, Ingrid stood out as a potential Oxbridge candidate and was able to benefit from our specilised preparation programme to earn a place at the University of Oxford, starting her undergraduate studies in September 2021.

Ingrid developed her passion for Psychology and explored the subject beyond the syllabus through our Abbey College Cambridge Pre-Degree Diploma Programme. Watch the video below to hear Ingrid’s thoughts on receiving her offer.

Jacky: Reading Medicine at the University of Cambridge

Abbey College Cambridge Oxbridge graduate Jacky from Taiwan

Jacky from Taiwan

Reading Medicine at the University of Cambridge.

A Level Results:
Biology A*
Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Physics A*

Jacky graduated from Abbey College Cambridge in 2019, securing a place on the prestigious and highly competitive medical programme at the University of Cambridge. Alongside achieving an impressive set of A Level exam results, Jacky worked with our college tutors to prepare for medical school interview and entry tests such as the BMAT.

Now in his final year of Medicine studies at the University of Cambridge, Jacky often takes time out of his schedule to visit the college and share his experiences with the next generation of budding Abbey College Cambridge medical students.

Juan: Reading Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge

Abbey College Cambridge Oxbridge Graduate Juan from Spain

Juan from Spain

Reading Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge.

A Level Results:
Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*

Juan joined Abbey College Cambridge for his A Level studies after completing his GCSE studies at another boarding school in the south of England. An excellent Chemist, Juan excelled in the Cambridge Chemistry challenge, earning the prestigious Roentgenium Award as one of the top performing students and a place at a residential Chemistry summer school at the University of Cambridge.

Alongside his A Level studies, Juan embraced the full programme of extra-curricular clubs and activities offered by the college to extend his knowledge and experience beyond the curriculum and actively running his own clubs for fellow students. Juan secured a place to read Natural Sciences at St Catherine’s College, University of Cambridge in 2019.

Read more:

Juan Sets His Sights on Chemistry at Oxbridge After Attending Cambridge Summer School

Abbey College Cambridge Oxbridge student destinations

Name Country/Region Grades Achieved Destination
Taoyu China Psychology A*
Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Economics A
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Cambridge
Yiming (Harry) China Mathematics A*
Biology A*
Chemistry A*
History B
Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge
Nasya Soraya Malaysia Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Biology A
Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge
Juan Francisco Italy / Uruguay Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Yiming China Mathematics A*
Further Maths A*
Biology A*
Chemistry A*
Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge
Haedam Korea Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Engineering at the University of Oxford
Ingrid China History A*
Mathematics A*
Psychology A
Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford
Agustin Uruguay/Italy Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*          Physics A*
Natural Sciences at University of Cambridge
Edward United Kingdom Biology A
Chemistry A
Mathematics A*
Biology at the University of Oxford
Hoang Minh Vietnam Economics A*
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Economics at the University of Cambridge
Juan Spain Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Natural Sciences at University of Cambridge
Yijie China Biology A
Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Physics A
Natural Sciences at University of Cambridge
Jacky Taiwan Biology A*
Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Medicine at University of Cambridge
Tiffany Korea Chemistry A
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Computer Science at the University of Cambridge
Jiadong China Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Economics A*
Economics at the University of Cambridge
Vietson Vietnam Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A
Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Oxford
Hong Korea Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A
Economics A
Land Economy at the University of Cambridge
Minsuk Korea Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A
Economics A*
Economics at the University of Cambridge
Chongkai China Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A
Mechanical Engineering at the University of Oxford
Yuxuan China Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Chemical Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Liuqing China Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Economics B
Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge
Junyu China Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge
Huaji China Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Engineering at the University of Oxford
Keonhoy Korea Economics A*          Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics B
Land Economy at the University of Cambridge
Liangchao China Economics A
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A
Mathematics at the University of Cambridge
Andrei Belarus Chemistry A*
Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A*
Chemical Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Kim Chuen Malaysia Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Economics A*
Physics A*
Mathematics at the University of Cambridge
Jiadi China Mathematics A*
Further Mathematics A*
Physics A
Mathematics at the University of Oxford
Ashkan Iran Chemistry A                    Mathematics A*              Further Mathematics A* Physics A* Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Guanpeng China Chemistry A                Mathematics A*                Further Mathematics A* Physics A* Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge
Yaxue China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Economics A

Physics A*

Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge
Soojin Korea Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Economics A

Physics A*

Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Ange China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Economics A*

Physics A

Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Siyun China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Chemistry A

Physics A*

Chemical Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Yuchen China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Chemistry A

Physics A*

Mathematics at the University of Cambridge
Lei China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Chemistry A*

Physics A*

Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Jingesi China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Biology A*

Chemistry A

Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge
Jiasheng China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Biology A*

Chemistry A*

Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge
Thuy Duong Vietnam Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Chemistry A

Physics A*

Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Qikun China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Chemistry A

Physics A*

Mathematics at the University of Cambridge
Jiann Meng Malaysia Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Economics A

Physics A*

Mathematics at the University of Cambridge
Chong China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Chemistry A*

Physics A*

Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Lia China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Chemistry A

Physics A*

Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Zhitian China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Chemistry A*

Physics A*

Engineering at the University of Cambridge
Jiayi China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Chemistry A

Physics A*

Mathematics at the University of Cambridge
Feng China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A*

Physics A*

Mathematics at the University of Oxford
Yu China Mathematics A*

Further Mathematics A

Chemistry A

Physics A*

Physics at the University of Oxford

Learn more about our Abbey College Cambridge student destinations.

Abbey Cambridge
Open Morning, Saturday 8th March 2025