Abbey College Cambridge Main Entrance

Year 12 UCAS Fair

4th July 22

Wednesday 15th – Tuesday 28th June saw a timetable of UCAS related activities for all Year 12 students as part of our Elite University Preparation Programme.

UCAS is the University Central Admissions System and is the system students in the UK use to apply for their university place. As securing a place at a top UK University is very competitive, we provide a lot of support and guidance to our students to help them submit a high quality application that will help them secure an offer to study at their first choice university.  The UCAS fair is part of that support programme.

During the fair every student was introduced and spent time with their dedicated UCAS tutor and given focused time to start on their UCAS journey and ask any questions they have about their university options.  Every student is allocated a UCAS tutor who is a specialist in the area they wish to study at university.

The fair was a programme of group presentations, focus group work and 1:1 tutor time.

Presentations given included:

  • Introduction to UCAS and a guide focused how to choose courses and University Choice
  • How to apply to university and start online introduction
  • Personal Statements
  • Alumni talks – we were delighted to welcome back 14 Abbey College Cambridge alumni to share their University experiences across a wide range of courses.
  • Summer activities to support and strengthen UCAS applications

Our Aspiring Oxbridge Candidates were also allocated time to work on their applications with a team of specialists from our partner Leading Education.

Students are now able to start working on their application over the summer ready to apply in the Autumn Term.

Abbey Cambridge
Open Morning, Saturday 8th March 2025